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Beware of those promising to cut taxes.  When was the last time this promise actually happened?  Cutting taxes is often the first go to in campaigning and is also the main campaign platform without specifics.  Sometimes taxes are used as the main argument to do nothing.  This is not how we progress or attract residents or businesses. We attract by having services which provide safety, schooling, health and a variety of recreation opportunities.  I assure you that I will see that our tax money is spent wisely. To do that, we need to revise our budget process, concentrate on improving services and put out a positive message for Aylmer.


Fiscal Responsibility

I came to Council in 2006 when the Town had a debt of $5.2 million! As chair of the Finance Committee, I steered Council to reduce the debt to $3.1 million. As Mayor, our Council reduced the debt to $0!! The next Council claimed to pay off the debt, but actually used the reserves we had set aside for debt reduction.

The current budget process is hopelessly complicated and difficult to understand. I would return to a separate Finance Committee which has a more informal process and therefore more opportunity to question and revise staff suggestions. This process was a significant part of reducing the large deficit of 2006.


Economic Development

We need an Economic Development Officer. We now have a new industrial area for development. Only a dedicated person has the skills and time to bring in more industry and business. This position would be a contract so that it does not become a permanent position with the town. We looked at an EDO in the last Habkirk Council (2006-2010) but instead made this person into a consultant who gave a report. We need a full time business promoter who “hits the ground running” and is on the front line working with existing and potential businesses.


Police Services

Personal and community safety are of concern to everyone. We need to feel that our community is well protected and that the Police are doing a proper job and that our taxes are well spent. Aylmer’s satisfaction with the Police is very high as shown by the annual Police survey. I have served on the Police Services Board for over 8 years and am very aware of how Police Services operate.

In 2020, the Police were allowed to keep any funds left over from their budget. This is a very questionable practice. That surplus fund is now almost $500,000 and has no Council accountability on how it is spent.


East Elgin Community Complex

Whatever happened to the great concern over the cost of the Complex?  How much sense is there in having a Complex Board with 2 mayors, 2 deputy mayors, 10 Councillors, and  2 CAOs? What a waste of resources!  It is time to change what we do there. We need to make it a place for everyone  It’s time to investigate opportunities to better utilize this world class facility; whether it be a swimming pool, racket sports or senior’s facility. Let’s get this conversation going.  The use of the building needs to be more inclusive.   If it is to cost so much money, let’s at least make it a place for everyone.  


First Impressions

Aylmer needs to be a polished example of clean streets, weed-free boulevards, showcase buildings, and well-trimmed parks. We could have more murals like those at McTaggart Armstrong and the Curling Building. We have a great system of trails which should extend from Dingle Street to the Complex. Tree pruning, weed removal, flower boxes, community festival support are all a part of a quality place to live. The standard requirements of infrastructure are not items of election promises: they are the given concerns of any Council. We must of course maintain our roads, our water systems, our sewage systems, but these are not part of a “vision”.

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